Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Bread Braid: Pumpkin Pie Brioche

So I am one of the many who faithfully follow AB5's website and was excited by the invitation to join a Bread Braid (thank you for all your hard work, Michelle). Our challenge it to bake our way through the newest book, "Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day". I was lucky enough to get my copy on the same day it was released!

The bread baking challenge doesn't officially start until January, but we are getting a preview with a couple of special recipes from Jeff & Zoe. November's challenge: Pumpkin Pie Brioche.

I mixed the dough on Sunday night, but first started by baking a pie pumpkin. I am lucky enough to have joined a CSA program this year and we just happened to get a beautiful sugar (pie) pumpkin a couple of weeks ago. The dough didn't get mixed until after dinner that night, so I baked it Monday morning.

We cut into it Monday after I got home from work. Wow, we were all impressed. Our 2 yr old (who loves all my AB5 breads) took a piece, looked at it for a moment then licked it. Then he gobbled it up!

I will probably bake the other loaf today and give it to a friend, along with a bag of the granola from the AB5 book.
Take care and thanks for reading my first blog entry w/photos! I won't tell you how long it took me to finish :)


  1. I love the breads from AB5 and have become so spoiled with having fresh dough any time I need it!

    I bought my first Princess Pumpkin last week and will roast it this week for pumpkin pie. Can't wait to roast the pumpkin seeds too.

    Gorgeous loaf and I'm so happy you joined us for our 1st Bread Braid. And welcome to the world of blogging!!

  2. Isn't fresh bread the best?! I can't think about going back to the "other" kind.
    It doesn't matter how long it took you to finish your first blog entry - you did it! You're way ahead of some of us who aren't posting anywhere.

  3. Yum, looks delicious! What a way to start a new blog :)

  4. Congrats on the bread AND on the new blog!

    I am just getting into bread baking and I can't wait to get tips from all of you bread baking veterans. Your son sounds adorable!

  5. how fun....and what a way to kick off a new blog! your bread looks great. I still need to purchase the book and I'd love to get their 1st one.

  6. You're bread looks great and so does the blog.
    It has been so much fun to see what everyone has done with their dough.

  7. Very impressed that you used real pumpkins!

  8. Michelle: Thank you for being the first to comment on my new blog. This is going to be a fun group!

    Lu: Thanks for the support. Yes, I love all the great qualities of home baked breads, and it's so easy with this method.

    girlchef: Thanks :) I love your blog and look forward to following along.

    Joanne: Thanks :) I too am learning a lot from everyone already, and we haven't officially begun!

    Danielle: Thank you for the comment. I rave about the books to anyone who will listen. Run out and get them :)

    GA Jane: Thank you. I am amazed at the talent already shown off with this first challenge by so many people.

    Gwen: Thanks! I was lucky to have one on hand.

  9. I'm also impressed you roasted your own! I bet your house smelled great for a long time :) Glad to have another first timer like me. Welcome to our group!

  10. Congrats on the new blog! I'm so glad to hear that your whole family enjoyed the bread.

  11. Bread Over Heels: It did smell wonderful, yes!

    Kim: Thank you, I still cannot believe I started one.

  12. Blogging is a world of it's own, welcome! It will be fun to be apart of this baking group, it feels like we all live on the same street.

  13. Cristie: I agree. I never thought I would want to blog, but here I am...and having fun!
